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YouTube Squirrel downloads contents from Modern Internet Explorer. A single video will be downloaded when YouTube Squirrel is used on the main page for the video. On other pages YouTube Squirrel will offer all videos found on the page for download.

Share Charm

To download copies of videos from a page viewed in Internet Explorer first select the share charm.

YouTube Squirrel

Next select YouTube Squirrel.

YouTube Squirrel will analyse the page to understand what content is present.

Having analyzed the page YouTube Squirrel is ready to start downloading. Normally all you need to do is press Download to start the downloading.

Unless you change options YouTube Squirrel will only offer you MP4 format video to download and MP3 format audio. Available video format icons are shown with the line resolutions; available audio format icons are shown with their sampling rate. The video sample above is being offered as standard definition 360 lines, plus MP3 sampled at 22KHz.

To change the selection of formats offered when downloading start the YouTube Squirrel application and use Options from the Settings charm.

The format that is initially selected will be the default or the one you last used. When several items are available for download, changing the format for one will also change the format for all similar items.

The check box next to the video selects whether the media will be downloaded. If you have previously downloaded the media, deselected the media or the media has failed to download then the check box will reflect your most likelt choice and an explanation will be given.


When you press the Download button downloading will begin. If you press the back button or tap away from the share charm no action will be taken.

Once Download has been pressed downloading will continue even if you close the share charm. If you have closed the share charm you can check download progress or cancel the download by reopening the Share charm from any application and tapping Check progress.

When the download completes the charm will close if you have not aleady dismissed it. A notification message will be display confirming the successful download, tapping the notification will open the video or audio.


If you start the YouTube Squirrel application you will see thumbnails of all your recently downloaded and downloading media. Downloading content will have the downloading icon and a progress bar. Clicking on a downloading item will allow you to cancel it.


Once an item is downloaded a thumbnail of its content will be shown. Tapping the item will open the media.

If you select a download item further options are available. With touch select by swiping down on the item, with a mouse right-click and with the keyboard use the arrow keys.

On YouTube Squirrel's application menu there is a button for revisiting the page the media was downloaded from. Another button removes the media file from YouTube Squirrel's recent files list, it does not delete the file.

When an item is selected you can use the Share charm exactly as if you were on the source page for the media. That is useful to download the content in a different format or to retry a failed download.


Downloaded content is placed under YouTube Squirrel in your Downloads folder. If you wish content to be downloaded elsewhere a folder can be selected using Options on the application's Setting's charm.