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Does YouTube Squirrel work with the desktop version of Internet Explorer?

No, YouTube Squirrel only works with the modern Internet Explorer.

Where are videos downloaded?

Videos are downloaded into the YouTube Squirrel folder in your Downloads folder.

You can change where videos are downloaded by starting the YouTube Squirrel application, opening the Settings charm and selection Set Download Folder. To revert to the default location use Reset Download Folder.

How do I view a downloaded video?

When a download completes a message will appear in the top right of your screen. Clicking on the message will launch the video.

YouTube Squirrel remembers the most recent videos you have downloaded. The recent videos list is displayed when you start the YouTube Squirrel application. Selecting a video's tile will launch the video player.

Using Windows Explorer on the desktop you can open video files by finding them in your download folder.

If you have added the YouTube Squirrel folder to your Videos library or if you have set YouTube Squirrel to download into your My Videos your videos will appear in Windows' Videos application.

What video format should I choose?

For Windows MP4 is recommended when available, this is a standard portable format. The highest quality format is to be recommended for viewing pleasure, although lower quality formats save disk space.